While playing game, press R1, Right(4), R1. All missions, exercises, and Site B will be unlocked. While playing the game, hold L1 + R1 and repeatedly tap Up. Dinosaurs will no longer get sick. In the PAL version of the game, press Up(2), R1, L1, Up(2) while playing the game. While playing game.
Submitted by: Tomstoon
Submitted by: Tomstoon
Submitted by: Tomstoon
Submitted by: Tomstoon
Submitted by: Tomstoon
Submitted by: Jossette
Submitted by: Jossette
Submitted by: Jossette
Submitted by: Alanis
Submitted by: Alanis
Submitted by: Alanis

Submitted by: Alanis
Submitted by: Lorna66
While playing game, press R1, Right(4), R1. All missions, exercises, and Site B will be unlocked.
Guaranteed immunityWhile playing the game, hold L1 + R1 and repeatedly tap Up. Dinosaurs will no longer get sick. In the PAL version of the game, press Up(2), R1, L1, Up(2) while playing the game.
Gimme Some MoneyWhile playing game, press L1 + Up, L1 + Down. $10,000 will be added to your finanaces.
Where's The Money?While playing game, press L1 + R1, Down. Your finances will be reduced to zero. In the PAL version of the game, press L1, R1, L1, R1, Down(2) while playing the game.
Market DayWhile playing game, press L1 + R1 + Down. In the PAL version of the game, press Down, L1, R1, Down while playing the game.
All ResearchWhile playing game, press Down(3), Left, Right, L1, Down, Up. Everything will be researched.
Open To The PublicWhile playing game, press Left, Down, Right, Up, L1 + R1, L1 + R1. You can now select your three digsites without the required stars.
Sequencing ErrorWhile playing game, press Down, R1 + Up. This will set all excavated dinosaur DNA to 55%.

While playing game, press R1, Up, R1, Right, L1, Down. This will set all excavated dinosaur DNA to 100%.
DrivebyWhile playing game, press R1 + L1, Left, Down, Right(2). You can now shoot from the safari cars by using the camera.
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Rampage TimeWhile playing game, press L1(3), Left(3). All carnivores will become stressed.
Crash!While playing the game, hold L1 + R1 and repeatedly tap Up, Down, Up, Down. One of your safari cars will blow up. In the PAL version of the game, press R1, L1, Up, Down, Up, Down while playing the game.
Oh No!While playing the game, hold R1 and press Right, Left, Right, Left, Right. All tourists will die. In the PAL version of the game, press Left, Right, Left, Right, R1 while playing the game.
Isla MuertaWhile playing game, press R1(3), L1, Right. Dinosaurs will now appear to be the living dead.
Hot OneWhile playing game, press R1 + Down, R1 + Down. A heat wave will occur.
Welcome To MelbourneWhile playing game, press R1(2), L1, R1, Down, Up, Down. The weather will get stormy.
No TwistersWhile playing the game, hold L1 + R1 and press Left, Right. Release L1 + R1, then press L1 + R1 again. In the PAL version of the game, press Left, Right, L1, R1 while playing the game.
Dial-A-TwisterWhile playing game, press Left, Up, Right, Down, L1 + R1. A twister will appear on the island.
Extinction EventWhile playing game, press L1, R1, Down, R1, L1. All dinosaurs will be killed.
No Red TapeWhile playing game, press L1, R1, Left, Down(4).
Site BSuccessfully complete all missions to unlock the Site B option at the main menu.
More visitorsIf you want more people to visit your park, build four or five entrances on all different sides.
Avoiding visitor deathsNever build a Safari Adventure in your T-Rex cage. The visitors inside of the car will not live too long. Also, never put more than one T-Rex in one cage. One will be killed and the other badly injured; and the visitors around the cage will get scared to death. This costs you a lot of money, for the T-Rexes and the fines.
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To save a little money, build a small enclosure around a hatchery. When you hatch a dinosaur, sedate it, and move it to its cage.