Game Printable Cheat Sheets Reddit Worms

I wanna buy a worms game too (mostly for playing online/multiplayer) and can't decide between Armageddon or Revolutions. Everywhere it says Armageddon has biggest player base but when I look for the player counts in steam Revolution had double the count of Armageddon (Arma 450 vs Revo 900). The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, trophies, and secrets for Worms W.M.D for PlayStation 4 (PS4).

A cheat sheet is a free quick-reference guide to, well, anything. It is usually made up of a collection of boxes of content. To make a cheat sheet, you add as many boxes of content as you like to a blank cheat sheet, and when you're finished you click 'Publish' to let other people see it.I can see that you are not yet a member (or you're not logged in). So before we carry on with this short guide, would you mind registering here or logging in, please?Let's get started! Click here to give your new cheat sheet a name!Once you've named your cheat sheet, you can choose:
  • What colour you want your cheat sheet to be
  • How many columns you want in your cheat sheet
  • Tags, to help other people find your cheat sheet
As you edit and add to your cheat sheet, new PDFs will be built automatically. Click on the 'Downloads' link at the top left of the cheat sheet page to see the latest PDF. (It might say 'Building New PDFs', in which case you'll need to give it a moment to finish the build process before you can download a new PDF.)Every cheat sheet is made up of blocks of content, and there are several different types of blocks on Cheatography for you to choose from:


  • Text
    A text block is a simple content type - whatever you type into the box is what appears on the page!
  • Code
    The code block is similar to the text block, except that it preserves your whitespace and uses a monospaced font. Ideal for adding, well, code to a cheat sheet.


  • One to Four Columns
    The list blocks are the most commonly used on Cheatography. They can be one to four columns of content, and display in striped rows to make them easier to read. These are like tables, and ideal for small pieces of reference material.
  • Bar Chart
    The bar chart content type takes a series of labels and numeric values and generates a simple bar chart from the result.
  • Question and Answer
    Question and answer blocks display a question, followed by the answser indented underneath. (These are also useful for listing command-line commands with explanations following them.)


  • Image
    Sometimes text just isn't good enough, so if you feel the urge, add some imagery to your cheat sheets! Logos, diagrams, photos - all will work. It's worth bearing in mind that the PDF doesn't allow people to zoom in easily, so try to keep your images from being too large if you can.
  • Video
    Video content blocks don't work with PDFs, but for the web versions of cheat sheets they are ideal for adding in rich media content. The video content type supports YouTube and Vimeo.


  • Live Content
    Live content is updated regularly from a URL on the web. Click here for more information.


  • Column Break
    This content type affects the PDFs, and forces the following content block to start in a new column.
  • Page Break
    This content type affects the PDFs, and forces the following content block to start in a new page.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need to 'publish' my cheat sheet?

Publishing your cheat sheet means it goes from a draft status, where only you can see it, to a published status, where everybody can. You can still edit your cheat sheet after you've published it. The most recently published cheat sheets are very prominent on the site, so best to wait until you're happy with your work to publish it.

Can I use images or video in my cheat sheet?

Yes, you can! There are two block types for media - images and video. Images are uploaded to the site, and will be added to the PDF versions. Videos can be linked to on YouTube or Vimeo, but aren't added to PDFs - instead, we add a link to the video.

Can I see examples of the different block types?

Yes! There (almost inevitably) is a cheat sheet for making cheat sheets on Cheatography. How wonderfully cyclical.

What happened to the 'content blocks'?

The first version of Cheatography had the blocks of content on a page available independently of cheat sheets, but this was making the creation of cheat sheets too complicated and slow, so we made it simpler. The content blocks are still there, but now you add and edit them directly from the cheat sheet page.

Tips! Do:

    Ask for feedback! Fresh eyes can help you identify areas that need more detail.

    Pick a dark colour! A dark colour makes your cheat sheet easier to read.

    Proofread! Once your brand new cheat sheet has been downloaded hundreds of times, realising you made an obvious, terrible typo on an important line is very frustrating.

Tips! Don't:

    Don't copy content! Make sure you post content you write yourself or that you have permission to use.

    Don't publish too soon! You only get to publish once, and when you publish your cheat sheet will be seen all over the site, so make it count and make sure your cheat sheet is right before you publish!

Need Some Help?

If you're having trouble, please check out our introduction videos (coming soon) or our help section. If you're still not getting anywhere, please email us:

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Game Printable Cheat Sheets Reddit Worms Game

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About Cheatography

Cheatography is a collection of 4199 cheat sheets and quick references in 25 languages for everything from language to google!

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If you have any problems, or just want to say hi, you can find us right here:DaveChildSpaceDuckCheatography

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sertalpbilal updated FPL API Endpoints.
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2 days 14 hours agotahir24434 updated GoLang.
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New to programming in Python? No worries. Whether you’re working with string methods or built-in functions in Python, this Cheat Sheet helps you program the correct order for the operation so you achieve the correct result.

Python String Methods

The following list shows you how to perform common string methods, or actions on a string, in Python. Type the specific order to achieve the desired result.

S.count(substring[, start[, end]])Count occurrences of substring
S.decode([encoding])Decode to Unicode using default encoding
S.encode([encoding])Encode from Unicode using default encoding
S.endswith(suffix[, start[, end]])True if S ends with suffix
S.find(substring [,start [,end]])Find first occurrence of substring and return its index
number; if not found, return -1
S.index(substring [,start [,end]])Find first occurrence of substring and return its index
number; if not found, raise ValueError
S.isalnum()True if S has only alphanumeric characters
S.isalpha()True if S has only alphabetic characters
S.isdigit()True if S has only digits
S.isspace()True if S has only whitespace characters
S.join(iterable)Using S as a separator, stick together the strings in
S.lower()Convert S to lowercase
S.lstrip([chars])Remove whitespace (or chars) from front (left) of
S.replace (old, new[, count])Replace old (a substring) with new
S.rfind(substring [,start [,end]])Find the last (rightmost) occurrence of substring and
return its index number; if not found, return -1
S.rindex(substring [,start [,end]])Find the last (rightmost) occurrence of substring and
returns its index number; if not found, raise ValueError
S.rstrip([chars])Remove whitespace (or chars) from end (right) of
S.split([separator [,maxsplit]])Split S using whitespace (or separator) and
return a list of substrings
S.startswith(prefix[, start[, end]])True if S starts with prefix
S.strip([chars])Remove characters at beginning and end of S; default is
whitespace characters
S.upper()Convert S to uppercase
Note: String methods that change a string always
return a copy; the original string remains unchanged.

Python’s Built-In Functions

Built into the Python interpreter are a number of functions (pieces of code that carry out specific operations and return the results of those operations), including math functions other than the standard arithmetic operators. Here’s a list of Python’s built-in functions along with their pattern and corresponding action:

abs(number)Return absolute value of number
all(iterable)Return True unless at least one element is false
any(iterable)Return False unless at least one element is true
chr(integer)Return the character with the specified ASCII value (must be
between 0 and 256)
delattr(object, name), del x.yDelete the named attribute from object
dir([object])Return the names in the current namespace or object‘s
eval(source[, globals[, locals]])Execute source as a Python expression
getattr(object, name[, default]) x.yReturn specified attribute (name) of object,
raising AttributeError if not found; optional: return
default if name doesn’t exist
globals()Return dict of global names in the current namespace
hasattr(object, name)True if object has the specified attribute
isinstance(object, class-or-type)True if object is an instance of the specified class (or
its subclasses) or type; optional: specify multiple classes or
types using a tuple
issubclass(C, B)True if class C is a subclass of class B;
optional: specify multiple classes using a tuple
iter(iterable)Return an iterator over iterable
len(object)Return number of items in a sequence or dict
locals()Return dictionary of local names in the current namespace
max(iterable), max(a, b, c, …)Return largest item of iterable or argument list
min(iterable), min(a, b, c, …)Return smallest item of iterable or argument list
ord(char)Return the ASCII value of a one-character string
range([start,] stop[, step])Return a list of integers from 0 up to (but not
including) stop
raw_input([prompt])Return a string from standard input (usually something the user
types), not including the newline character
repr(object)Return canonical string representation of object
round(number[, ndigits])Return floating-point number rounded to nearest integer
setattr(object, name, value) x.y = vSet object‘s attribute to the specified value
sorted(iterable[, cmp [, key [, reverse])Return a new sorted list; optional: cmp and key
take functions as arguments; reverse=True
sum(iterable[, start=0])Return the sum of all elements of iterable; does not
work with strings
unichr(integer)Return a Unicode string corresponding to integer, which
must be between 0 and 0x10ffff
xrange([start,] stop[, step])Return an iterable that generates a range from 0 up to
(but not including) stop
zip([iter1 [, iter2 [, …]]])Take zero or more iterables and return a list of tuples that
group the items at a particular index number; the list returned is
the same length as the shortest iterable