Modern Command Game Cheats

It's time to make your return to the best mobile FPS series there is with its newest entry, 'Modern Combat 5: Blackout.' Here's our tips and cheats guide! Dec 18, 2020 If you are tired of being bullied around by thugs and petty criminals, you can really turn the tables using these cheat codes and console commands. How to Enable Command Console? The in-game console can be accessed by pressing the Numpad. and Numpad 0 simultaneously.

PC Keyboard Controls

Print out or refer to the following list of PC keyboard commands and controls for Command: Modern Operations.

This is a listing of various hotkey commands that can also be accessed in-game via the Help drop-down menu. For KEYPAD commands, NumLock must be off.


Spacebar, CTRL+ENTER: Pause/Resume Game.

CTRL+S: Save Scenario.

Tactical Map

CTRL+ [1…0]: Store quick-jump slot

[1…0]: Recall quick-jump slot.

Mouse Right-Click: Center map on clicked point

Mouse Right-Click and drag: Pan map

Modern command game cheats wallhack

Up arrow, Num 8: Pan map up

Right arrow, Num 6: Pan map right

Left arrow, Num 4: Pan map left

Down arrow, Num 2: Pan map down

Z, Mouse Scroll: Zoom in

X, Mouse Scroll: Zoom out

V, PgUp, Num 9: Switch unit/group view

| (vert separator): Select next unit

Backspace: Select previous unit

T: Track selected unit

Del: Delete selected waypoint

CTRL+Ins: Add reference point


CTRL+R: Rename Reference Point

CTRL+Del: Delete Reference Point

CTRL+End: Deselect All Reference Points

CTRL+D: Range/Bearing Tool

End, Num 1: Toggle Illumination Vectors

Home, Num 7: Toggle Targeting Vectors

* (Star): Toggle Datablocks

CTRL+M: Clear Message Log

CTRL+Shift+M: Message Log in Separate Window

Scenario Editor

CTRL+V: Toggle God’s Eye View (see all)

INS: Add Unit

C: Copy Unit

Shift+C: Clone Unit

M: Move Unit

R: Rename Unit

Del: Delete Unit

Alt+S: Toggle Sides

CTRL+X: Map coordinates to clipboard

CTRL+F6: Add/Remove Aircraft

CTRL+F7: Add/Remove Boats

Function Keys

F1: Engage Targets (Auto)

Shift+F1: Engage Targets (Manual)

CTRL+F1: Bearing Only Launch

F2: Throttle+Altitude

Command Modern Operations

F3: Plot Course

F4: Formation Editor

F5: Magazines

F6: Air Operations

F7: Boat Operations


F8: Mounts + Weapons

F9: Sensors

CTRL+F9: Unit/Group Doctrine

CTRL+Shift+F9: Side Doctrine

F10: Damage/Systems Status

F11: Mission Editor

CTRL+F11: Create New Mission

Own Units

U: Unassign Selected Units

G: Group Selected Units

D: Detach Selected Units From Group

A: Toggle Weapons Hold/Inherit for Selected Units

CTRL+A: Toggle Weapons Hold/Inherit for All Units

I: Toggle Ignore Plotted Course When Attacking For Selected


CTRL+I: Toggle Ignore Plotted Course When Attacking For All


E: Drop Target

CTRL+E: Disengage (Drop All Targets)

L: Hold Position For Selected Units

Modern Command Game Cheats Wallhack

CTRL+L: Hold Position For All Units

Shift+ [: Drop Passive Sonobuoy Above Layer


[: Drop Passive Sonobuoy Below Layer

Shift+]: Drop Active Sonobuoy Above Layer

]: Drop Active Sonobuoy Below Layer

Shift+D: Deploy Dipping Sonar

O: Display Order Of Battle+Contacts Window


P, PgDn, Num 3: Drop Contacts

Modern Command Game Cheats Cheat

H: Mark Hostile

Modern Command Game Cheats Wallhack

CTRL+H: Mark Unfriendly

N: Mark Neutral

F: Mark Friendly

Modern Command Game Cheats Xbox 360

R: Rename


CTRL+Shift+C: Lua Script Console

Modern Command Game Cheats Xbox One

CTRL+C: Copy Lua values of selected unit to clipboard

CTRL+Z: Copy Lua values of highlighted RPs to clipboard

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