Typing Pal Games Cheats

140 is ridiculously fast. It's not 'reasonable'. It's not unheard of, but it's not something that is easily attainable. I was in the 100-110 WPM range under the afbwelter username for a while before switching to this profile to learn how to type with the colemak configuration and things are going pretty darn well, but still, I switched because I found myself at a wall that prevented me from going any farther. I had encountered the wall before and overcome it when crossing from 80-90 to 100 WPM. However, this new wall was something that I understood to basically be my limit. I am also very dextrous. VERY. I also use the computer constantly.
160 is about the average of the fastest typists there are. It is very uncommon to find someone who can actually type at 140 WPM. My brother is a computer programmer and types at roughly 86 WPM.
I agree with you that there are practically no cheaters here on this website but the statement that 140 is 'reasonable' for those of us that use the computer a lot is outlandish. I have always used the computer very often but it was never until I actively sought out to improve my speed that I made any significant change in WPM. I had been stuck at 70-80 WPM for the longest time. Using the computer mindlessly will lead to lots of bad habits. Surely there are those of us who are simply really fast, but the fact is that most of us who use the computer a lot and type a lot do not magically attain speed. There is a point at which only conscious and diligent practice is what can affect a change in your WPM.

The Typing Pal games provide a different and entertaining way to learn and perfect your typing by targeting different areas of the keyboard. You can Access games by clicking on the Games link in the Move on tab. Monkeys in Jeopardy. Scenario: A violent storm is raging through the forest. Monkeys have been carried away by gusts of wind and are.

Playing is a great way to learn! Typing Pal’s games offer your students playful and varied learning activities to improve their typing skills by targeting different areas of the keyboard.

Accessing the Games

Students access the games from their Move on tab by clicking the Games link.

Monkeys in Jeopardy

Scenario: A violent storm is raging in the forest. Carried away by the gusts of wind, the monkeys are falling into the river. Only a vine propelled by correctly typed characters can bring them back to shelter.

Cosmik Ball

Scenario: A cosmic ball, ready to explode, is threatening the galaxy. A spatial octopus has the mission of keeping the ball captive using its tentacles that are equipped with pulsing lasers. A shield armed with correctly typed characters will keep the ball from harming us.

Characters to Type


Students can choose between five game modes, each targeting one or more rows of keyboard characters. In this way, they vary the challenges they face and can perfect certain areas of the keyboard.

Difficulty Levels

Students can choose between three difficulty levels, each presenting a different challenge:

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  • Beginner— The speed barely increases, but then again the points accumulate slowly.
  • Intermediate — The speed increases gradually and the points accumulate normally.
  • Expert — The speed increases rapidly, but the points accumulate quickly too.

Top Players

Each game mode displays the student’s standing, along with the names of the ten students who recorded the highest scores.

Typing Pal Games

Granting Access to the Games

Typing Club Cheat

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Pals Cheat Sheet

By default, when a new group is created, all of its students have access to the games.

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Disable this option for existing groups by unchecking the option Allow students to access games in the group’s Configuration panel.